TSS Widgets

The Terminology Service Suite project, derived from theSemLookPproject and now hosted on GitHub under theTS4NFDIrepository, is a collection of interactive widgets designed to ease the integration of terminology service functions into third-party applications. In this Storybook, you will find an interactive documentation of the widget component library. The widgets are built using React and TypeScript and can be used in both React and plain HTML applications. The functionality and arguments are the same for the React and plain HTML versions. Only the code snippet you get when you click Show code in the Storybook is different.


Seleced a term and see its detiled metadata on the Metadatawidget on the right side

You can use this widget to search and pick classes, properties, individuals, and terminologies from variaty of Terminology Service supported by our Gateway. To try and check the possible options use:AutocompleteWidget Storybook

API: https://ts4nfdi-api-gateway.prod.km.k8s.zbmed.de/api-gateway/
